1st Woman ‘s Day Music Festival in Athens, Greece 2017
Wednesday, March 8
Time: 20.30
Location: Cinema Trianon Codrington Patission 21 & 101 (Victoria Station) 210 8215469
Duration: 120
Ticket price: € 8
13 women musicians, 3 figures, 120 minutes of music presented at the landmark film cinema, Trianon for the occasion of the Festival of Women.
With the assistance of the photographic lens of Chloe Kritharas Devienne, photographs of her work will be displayed in various phases of the evening, three all-female figures hold our tribute to the woman struggling to express -kallitechnika, social, political and eroticsm.
Without many words, using music and songs from different corners of the globe, from M. Asia and East of the areas from the Celts, to Latin America and Europe, these performances carry a message for all people and especially for women.
Müzikal Ifade:
Violet Ikari – voice
Nansy Kyriakaki – guitar
Gogo Batsikoura – saz
Alexandra Papastergiopoulou – cello, percussion, mikropnefsta
Irini Triantafyllidi – voice, lute
Eleftheria Polygeorgi – flute
Mimi Mouratidou – violin
Natasha Paflatou – percussion
Chrysoula K. & Purpura:
Chrisoula Kechagioglou – voice
Effie Zaitidou – kanun
Maria Ploumi – lute
Sophia Serefoglou – flute
Elsa Papeli – cello